Oral Health Care for Seniors
No matter the age of a person, dental care is a crucial component to maintain overall health. Teeth can last a lifetime if you properly care for them. Here at Dr. Parekh and Associates, we ensure that our patients regardless of age receive all the best services that can keep their mouth healthy.
Here are some of the common oral problems faced by seniors and how to deal with them:
Root Decay: As you age, you are exposed to an increased rate of decay caused by decay-causing acids . The tooth roots become unprotected when your gum recedes, and this can cause root decay. Therefore, it’s necessary to increase fluoridation when you get older. Use a fluoride toothpaste and add fluoride rinse into your daily oral hygiene.
Dry Mouth: According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), more than 400 common medications can cause dry mouth. Apart from medications, aging and reduced saliva flow can result to dry mouth too. We recommend you to increase hydration, avoid alcohol and chew on sugar-free gum to help prevent dry mouth. You may also talk to your medical doctor regarding treatment or alteration for medications that cause dry mouth.
Gum Disease: Gum disease can affect all ages especially people over 40 years old. Bad diet, plaque formation, poor-fitting dentures, use of tobacco, poor oral hygiene, medications, and medical conditions are some of the factors that increase the severity of gum disease. As you age, antibacterial mouthwash is recommended along with proper brushing and flossing to prevent plaque formation. Also, an annual checkup is necessary for seniors who have long-term dentures and make sure to visit a dental office if denture problems arise. Moreover, quit smoking to prevent decay and mouth or throat cancer.
If you need help with oral care for seniors, you may contact our dental office in Alliston. It would be our pleasure to serve and provide services to our patients!
-Dr. Parekh & Associates Team