Perhaps the problem stems from a bad dream or an unconscious bad habit. Either way, you can rest assured that it is not uncommon for parents to be concerned about their children grindingor [...]
Teeth whitening is employed for tooth surface stain removal and discolouration. For teeth whitening, there are various options and products which can be used at home or at a dentist’s office. But [...]
A cleft lip and palate are birth defects that can happen because the baby’s lip or mouth does not develop properly during pregnancy. The upper lip is split and there is a lack of tissue for the [...]
Maybe your teeth have yellowed over time due to age. Or your daily coffee intake has stained your teeth. There are countless reasons for wanting to whiten your teeth. Tooth colour can vary from [...]
A thesis has emerged from Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden outlining the importance of teaching children about healthy habits, and the effect that these habits will have on their future health, [...]
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for connecting your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. This is a very important responsibility! It can lead to various side effects if there [...]
Have you ever wondered why dentist’s sometimes use a big rubber blanket to cover your mouth? Well, they are called Dental Rubber Dams and they come with many advantages. The rubber dam is a [...]
Maybe you have heard of gingivitis. But do you know what it really is? It’s the first stage of gum disease caused by plaque. The good news is that its the easiest to treat! If the build up of [...]
Some people think fruit is a healthier alternative to eating sugary treats, like donuts or candy. If you think fruit is a healthier dessert for your oral health, you are correct! Do you know why? [...]
As the warmer months approach and we pack our bags for summer travels, don’t forget to keep up with your dental care! It can be difficult when you are spending hours in the car eating. You are [...]